Comprehending Concepts, Health, Legal / Political

Danger Of Replacing Instinct With Technology | Dr Kaushik Ram (TEDx)

We like technology and like to bring awareness to viable technology alternatives which serve mankind. However there are dangers in allowing the rapid development of certain aspects of technology without checks and balances to ensure potential challenges are fully considered and properly solved before wide-scale implementation on the planet. We welcome our neuroscientist friends’ talk, to bring awareness to such challenges.

We received a statement provided by Dr. Kaushik Ram, after the fact the talk was banned and censored from TEDx public channels…

In this censored TEDx talk, Dr. Ram addressed pressing moral and philosophical challenges surrounding the rapid advancement of AI technologies. Drawing from his extensive neuroscience research and AI expertise, he explored issues such as declining IQ, mental health and the potential human costs of unbridled AI development. Dr. Ram’s talk was poised to offer valuable insights and provoke critical thought on the societal impacts of AI innovation.

By silencing these discussions, we risk overlooking critical issues that have far-reaching implications for society.

The public outrage around censorship, academic freedom, and the responsibility of tech platforms in shaping public discourse is concerning and affects people deeply because of its emotional core, which sterilised TED Talks fundamentally lack.

Dr. Kaushik Ram

Connect with Dr Kaushik Ram

Kaushik’s Video Response towards the TEDx Video Banning